Tequila Reposado, Fortaleza (700 mL)


Arome citrusa, karamela, butera, kuvane agave i kadulje početak su prijatno izbalansiranog i vrlo jedinstvenog doživljaja degustacije. Fortaleza Reposado ima svoj karakteristični karakter, ne liči ni na jednu drugu tekilu.  Mirisi i ukuse kuvane agave, citrusa, vanile, jabuke, zemlje i cimeta. Završni ukus je dugotrajan i bogat, delikatesno pikantan, što uz uljnu strukturu ovu tekilu čini pićem zadovoljstva, popularnim kako kod početnika tako i kod iskusnih korisnika tekile.

“Nesumnjivo jedna od najboljih ikada napravljenih tekila.”  – Grover Sanschagrin / Osnivač, Tequila Matchmaker

Aromas of citrus, caramel, butter, cooked agave, and sage are the beginning of a pleasingly balanced and very unique tasting experience. Fortaleza Reposado has it’s own distinct character, and is not like any other tequila.  Flavors include cooked agave, citrus, vanilla, apple, earth, and cinnamon. The finish is long and rich, delicately spicy, and it has an oily texture that make this a joy to drink. It’s popular with beginners and experienced tequila drinkers alike.

“Without question, one of the best tequilas ever made.”  – Grover Sanschagrin / Founder, Tequila Matchmaker