Garancija prodaje / Sales Guarantee
U Wine Empire-u je vino strast ... kao i sve dobre strasti, shvatamo to vrlo ozbiljno. Fanatični smo i po kvalitetu i po vrijednosti i pazimo na svaku bocu kao da je to prekrasna i dragocjena stvar ... jer zaista to i jeste!
Kada kod nas kupite bocu vina, vi ste njen prvi i jedini kupac. Mi nikada ne preprodajemo i nikada ne kupujemo od preprodavaca, što znači da je svaka boca koju nudimo uvijek bila čuvana ili u podrumu proizvođača ili u našem podrumu, u oba slučaja, pod idealnim uslovima.
Naše vino dolazi u namjenskim kamionima sa klimatskom kontrolom i dostavljamo vam ih u sopstvenim namjenskim vozilima takodje sa klimatskom kontrolom. Stoga možete očekivati da ćemo vam svaku bocu dostaviti u besprijekornom stanju.
Postoji, međutim, jedna greška koja se može desiti tokom proizvodnje vina. U vrlo rijetkim prilikama, prirodna pluta može sadržavati spoj koji se zove trihloroanisol (TCA). Ne brinite, prirodno je i potpuno bezopasno, samo nažalost suzbija normalne aromatike vina i daje malo neugodan miris, poput vlažnog kartona. To se događa kada kažemo da je vino "korkovano".
Neki proizvođači prešli su na različite zatvarače, poput čepa ili složenih čepova (poput Diam-a), jer oni onemogućavaju da se vino pokvari. Ipak, ako vino i dalje koristi prirodnu plutu, postoji šansa ( koliko god bila udaljena ) od TCA iako su plute strogo pregledane.
Ako smatrate da je vino koje ste kupili od nas korkovano, odmah ponovo zatvorite bocu istom plutom i kontaktirajte nas. Uzećemo ga nazad i pokrenuti test za provjeru prisutnosti TCA. Svaka boca za koju se utvrdi da ima TCA biće odmah zamijenjena ili - ako to vino više nije dostupno - dobićete kredit za sljedeću kupovinu.
Imajte na umu, međutim, da vino koje nije korkovano ne možemo zamijeniti. Ponekad u restoranima kupci tvrde da je vino korkovano jer im se ne sviđa ili to nije ono što su očekivali. Stoga, iz tih razloga ne možemo zamijeniti vino.
Dakle OK, možda ste probali vino koje zaista nije po vašem ukusu. Dešava se. Prije svega, dobro za vas što ste ga isprobali! Isprobavanje različitih vrsta i stilova vina veliki je dio zabave, čak i ako ne budete voljeli sve. Vino je avantura čula i otkriće ukusa ... i ko zna, nešto što vam se u početku ne sviđa, jednoga dana može postati omiljeno!
At Wine Empire, wine is a passion... and like all good passions we take it very seriously. We are fanatical about both quality and value, and we look after every bottle as if it were a wonderful and precious thing … because it is!
When you buy a bottle of wine from us, you are its first and only buyer. We never re-sell and we never buy second-hand, which means that every bottle we offer has only ever been stored either in the producer's cellar or our cellar, in both cases under ideal conditions.
We also ship our wine in dedicated, climate-controlled trucks, and bring it to you in our own dedicated, climate-controlled vehicles. You can expect, therefore, that every bottle will delivered to you in perfect condition.
There is, however, one fault that can occur during the wine’s production. On very rare occasions, a natural cork might contain a compound called trichloroanisole (TCA). Don't worry, it's natural and completely harmless, it just unfortunately suppresses the normal aromatics of a wine and makes it smell a bit unpleasant, like wet cardboard. This is what happens when we say that a wine is "corked."
Some producers have switched to different closures, like screw top or compound corks (such as Diam) because these make it impossible for wine to be corked. Yet if the wine still uses natural cork, there is a chance - however remote - of TCA, even though corks are rigorously screened.
If you believe that a wine you've purchased from us is corked, immediately re-seal the bottle with the same cork and contact us. We will collect it and run a test to check the presence of TCA. Any bottle that is found to have TCA will be immediately replaced or - if that wine is no longer available - you will be given credit towards your next purchase.
Please note, however, that we cannot replace a wine that is not corked. Sometimes, at restaurants, customers claim that a wine is corked because they don't like it, or it wasn't what they expected. Alas, we cannot replace a wine for these reasons.
So OK, maybe you’ve tried a wine that really isn’t to your taste. It happens. First of all, good for you for trying it! Tasting different types and styles of wine is a big part of the fun, even if you don’t end up loving everything. Wine is an adventure of the senses and a discovery of taste ... and who knows, something that you don't like at first may one day become a favourite!