Teeling Single Grain Whiskey (700 ml)


Teeling Single Grain Irish Whisky napravljen je korištenjem nekonvencionalne kaše koja se sastoji od 95% kukuruza i 5% sladnog ječma destilovanog , koji je sazrijevao isključivo u bačvama američkog crvenog vina, dajući vrlo izražen profil crvenih bobica i tanina, s naznakom začina i slatkoće u pozadini. Svilenkasto gladak osećaj u ustima, sa dodirom začina i dubokim bobičastim notama koje uravnotežuju slatke tonove. Taninski uticaj crvenog vina stvara jedinstven, kratak, suv završetak, podstičući još jedan gutljaj.

46% alkohola po zapremini, trostruko destilovano, bez hladne filtracije.


Teeling Single Grain Irish Whiskey is crafted using an unconventional mash bill consisting of 95% corn and 5% malted barley that has been column distilled and matured exclusively in American Red Wine casks, imparting a highly distinct red-berry and tannic profile, with a hint of spice and an underlying sweetness. A silky smooth mouthfeel, with a touch of spice and deep berry notes that balance the sweet undertones. The tannic influence of the red wine creates a unique, short, dry finish, encouraging another sip.

46% ABV, triple distilled, non-chill filtered.