Plantation Stiggins' Fancy Pineapple (700 mL)


95 bod. - Ultimate Spirits Challenge

Fantastična poslastica iz asortimana Plantation-a! Kore Viktoria ananasa infuziraju se u rum Plantation 3 Stars, koji se zatim dalje destiluje. Odvojeno, plod ananasa infuzira se u Plantation Original Dark rum. Oba destilata i voćne infuzije konačno se sjedinjuju, stvarajući bogat i ukusan ananas buke, naglašen dimnim notama i notama karanfilića.

Nos:  bogat i deliciozan buke, naglašen dimnim notama i aromama tropskog voća, ananasa, kore citrusa i karanfilića. 

Nepce:  rum se otvara snažnom i ugodnom senzacijom zrele banane, ananasa, kao i začina u slojevima u zadimljenoj završnici.


95 points - Ultimate Spirits Challenge

A fantastic treat from the Plantation range! The barks of Victoria pineapples are infused in Plantation 3 Stars rum, which is then further distilled. Separately, the pineapple fruit is infused in Plantation Original Dark rum. Both distillate and fruit infusion are finally blended together, creating a rich and delicious pineapple bouquet, accented by smoky and clove notes.

Nose: A rich and delicious bouquet, accented by smoky notes and aromas of tropical fruit, pineapple, citrus peel, and a touch of clove.

Palate: The rum opens with a structured, pleasant sensation of ripe banana, pineapple, and spices layered in a smoky finish.