Muškat Momjanski, Kozlović 2023 (500 ml)
Kozlovićev muškat momjanski je jedno -sortno desertno vino koje pokazuje pravu dekadenciju i raskoš muškatnog grožđa u rukama izuzetno talentovanih vinara. Ova vrsta muškata jedinstvena je za momjanski kraj sjeverozapadne Istre gdje se nalazi imanje Kozlovića. Nos je sočan i intenzivan sa notama ličija, cvijeta “Orlova kandza”, korice limuna, prženih orašastih plodova i zrelog koštuničavog voća. Uzmite gutljaj i otkrićete bogatu slatkoću i dugotrajne arome manga, meda i citrusa koji su izbalansirani blistavom svježinom.
Ovo je dobra kombinacija za plavi sir, tostirane orašaste plodove, foie gras ili voćne deserte poput Pavlove torte prelivene šumskim voćem, živopisnog kolača od limuna ili Cheesecake-a.
Kozlović’s Muskat Momjanski is a single varietal dessert wine which displays the true decadence and opulence of the Muscat grape when in the hands of exceptionally talented winemakers. This particular type of Muscat is unique to the Momjan region of northwestern Istria where the Kozlović estate is situated. The nose is luscious and intense with hints of lychee, honeysuckle, lemon zest, toasted nuts, and ripe stone fruit. Take a sip and you’ll discover a rich sweetness and long-lasting mango, honey, and citrus flavours which are balanced by a bright freshness.
This is a good match for blue cheese, toasted nuts, foie gras, or fruit-led desserts like pavlova topped with wild berries, a vibrant lemon tart, or cheesecakes.