Gewürztraminer "Flora" Girlan 2018
Intenzivan, aromatični buke ovog vina (note žute ruže, kandirane kore narandže, ličija, cimeta i bijelog bibera) zajedno sa svojim mekim, punim karakterom znači da ga treba upariti sa jelima bogatog ukusa. Preporučujemo da ovo vino poslužite uz školjke, aromatizovane sireve i deserte, poput štrudle. Takođe se dobro slaže sa začinjenim jelima i slatko-kiselim kreacijama u azijskom stilu.
Trećina grožđa odabranog za ovo izvanredno vino potiče iz brežuljkastih vinograda kru "Girlan" na nadmorskoj visini od 450 do 500 m. Ostale dvije trećine dolaze iz Bassa Atesina - Cortaccia. Kombinacija mineralno bogatog šljunka i glinenog tla daje ovom vinu jedinstven karakter.
The intense, aromatic bouquet of this wine (notes of yellow roses, candied orange peel, lychee, cinnamon and white pepper) together with its soft, full character means that it should be paired with flavoursome dishes. We recommend serving this wine with shellfish, flavoured cheeses and desserts, such as strudel. It’s also a good match with spicy dishes and sweet and sour creations with an Asian touch.
One third of the grapes chosen for this extraordinary wine come from the hillside vineyards of the cru "Girlan" at an altitude from 450 to 500 m above sea level. The other two thirds come from the Bassa Atesina - Cortaccia. The combination of mineral-rich gravel and clay soils helps give this wine its unique character.