Duas Quintas Tinto, Ramos Pinto 2019
Tamnocrvene boje, čisto i blistavo. U nosu se osjećaju arome bobičastog voća kao što su kupine, jagode i maline, iza kojih slijede arome svježih začina i toplog tosta. Velikog voćnog intenziteta i koncentracije na nepcima, sa dugom i svježom završnicom uz meke tanine, ovo vino se izdvaja savršenom harmonijom između koncentrisanosti i živahnosti. Zbog svoje svježine se preporučuje uz razna jela kao što je grilovana tuna, vegeterijanska jela, a i rozbif.
Naziv Duas Quintas upućuje na dva vinograda imanja Ramos Pinto Douro gdje se uzgaja grožđe za ovo vino. Toplija Quinta de Ervamoira proizvodi zrelo i bogato aromatizovano voće, dok Quinta dos Bons Ares sa visoke nadmorske visine dodaje svježinu i izbalansiranost.
Dark red in colour, clean and bright. On the nose there are fresh aromas of berries such as blackberries, strawberries and raspberries. This is followed by fresh spices and warm, toasty aromas. On the palate the fruit intensity and concentration are high. It finishes long and fresh, with soft tannins. The wine stands out for the perfect harmony between its concentration and vivacity. The freshness lends itself to a variety of dishes such as grilled tuna, vegetarian meals, as well as roast beef.
Duas Quintas of the name refers to the two Ramos Pinto Douro vineyards where the grapes for this wine are grown. The hotter Quinta de Ervamoira produces ripe rich flavoured fruit while the high altitude Quinta dos Bons Ares adds freshness and balance.