Château Batailley 2016, Grand Cru Classé


96 bod. - James Suckling

Jedno od najstarijih imanja u Médocu, a ime potiče bitke (“bataille“ na francuskom) koja se odigrala 1452. godine tokom stogodišnjeg rata na mjestu gdje se sada nalaze zamak i vinograd. Kupažu čini 85% Cabernet Sauvignon, 12% Merlot i 3% Petit Verdot, odležava oko 18 mjeseci u buradima od francuske hrastovine, od kojih je 55% novo. Klasični i vrlo tipični Pauillac, prilično konzistentan iz godinu u godine zahvaljujući staroj vinovoj lozi na imanju. Dominiraju arome crnog voća, ribizle i kedra.

96 points - James Suckling

One of the oldest estates in the Médoc, the name is derived from a battle (“bataille“ in French) that took place in 1452 – during the Hundred Years War – where the château and vineyard are today. A blend of 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 12% Merlot with a small amount of Petit Verdot, the wine is aged about 18 months in French oak barrique, of which 55% are new. This is a classic and very typical Pauillac, quite consistent from year to year thanks to the estate’s old vines. Aromas of black fruits, cassis, graphite and cedar dominate.