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Barolo, Ceretto 2016 MAGNUM (Bio - 1500 ml)


95 Bod. - The Wine Advocate

Ovaj moćni Barolo magnum iz Ceretta dolazi u čašu sa jarkom rubin crvenom bojom. Držano pod blagim uglom, otkriva šarmantnu garnet-crvenu nijansu na rubovima. Sa malo vazduha, vino otkriva visoku viskoznost kao i neke fantastične arome crne ribizle, crnih trešanja, duda, šljiva i suvih šljiva, dopunjene zelenom paprikom, crnim hljebom i borovinom. Apsolutno suvo, nepce je karakterisano nevjerovatno mesnatom i gustom teksturom. Servirajte ga na temperaturi od 15 - 18°C uz punjene paprike, osso buco-om ili jagnjećim ragu-om sa leblebijama i suvim smokvama.


95 points - The Wine Advocate

This powerful Barolo magnum from Ceretto comes into the glass with a dense ruby red colour. Held at a slight angle, it reveals a charming garnet-red hue at the edges. With a little bit of air, the wine reveals a high viscosity as well as some fabulous aromas of blackcurrants, black cherries, mulberries, plums and prunes, complemented by green peppers, black bread and juniper. Absolutely dry, the palate is characterized by an incredibly fleshy and dense texture.  Serve it at a temperature of 15 - 18°C with stuffed peppers, ossobuco, or lamb ragout with chickpeas and dried figs.