Crystal Head "Onyx" Vodka (700 mL)


Prve Crystal Head vodke bile su od jedne vrste zrna — prva je napravljena od kanadskog kukuruza, druga od organske engleske pšenice. ​ Ali​ Crystal Head Onyx vodka​ napravljena je od​ 100% Weber plave agave​ baš kao i tekila.  Zapravo, da je samo dvostruko destilirana, tehnički bi bila super-premium tekila.  Međutim, kao i njegova braća i sestre, destiluje se 4 puta, a zatim filtrira 7 puta, od kojih tri kroz Herkimer dijamante. ​ Aroma je svježa i čista s notama zelene trave, korice citrusa i crnog bibera.  Čisto i hrskavo nepce dodaje arome agave, dašak klinčića i nježnu slatkoću.  Zato što premošćuje jaz između vodke i tekile i zato što je ukusna, barmeni i ljubitelji je jednostavno obožavaju. ​ Ovoga puta​ dekanter "lobanje" je briljantno,​ crno staklo oniksa. 

The first Crystal Head Vodkas were single grain Spirits — the first was made from Canadian corn, the second from organic English wheat.  But Crystal Head Onyx Vodka is made from 100% Weber Blue Agave just like Tequila.  In fact, if it were only double distilled, it would technically be a super-premium Tequila.  However, like its siblings, it is distilled 4 times, and then filtered 7 times, three of which are through Herkimer diamonds.  The aroma is fresh and clean with notes of green grass, citrus zest, and a dash of black pepper.  The clean and crisp palate adds some agave flavours, a hint of clove, and a gentle sweetness.  Because it bridges the gap between vodka and tequila, and because it's delicious, bartenders and aficionados just love it.  This time, the "skull" decanter is a brilliant, onyx black glass.