Akcija / Sale

Côte des Roses Rosé, Gerard Bertrand 2022

€12,00 €17,00

Ovo kultno roze vino sa juga Francuske je klasična mješavina Grenachea, Širaza i Cinsaulta. Vino je meke, blijede i blistave ružičaste boje a njegov buke nudi arome ljetnog voća, crne i crvene ribizle, ruže kao i note citrusa. Na nepcu je utisak svjež i pun, sa velikom aromatičnom postojanošću i balansom. Svježa i malo kandirana završnica je predivna. Vino je, naravno, divno samo po sebi, ali se može kombinovati i sa plodovima mora, školjkama i suptilno začinjenim jelima.

Gerard Bertrand je Wine Spectator-ov vinar godine za 2023.… a izbor njegovih vina možete pronaći i probati upravo ovdje na Wine Empire-u.

This iconic rosé wine from the south of France is a classic blend of Grenache, Syrah and Cinsault.   A soft, pale and brilliant pink colour, its bouquet offers aromas of summer fruits, cassis, red current, roses and hints of citrus.  On the palate the impression is fresh and full, with great aromatic persistence and balance.  The fresh, slightly candied finish is lovely.  The wine is, of course, delightful on its own but can also be paired with seafood, shellfish and subtly spiced dishes.

Gerard Bertrand is Wine Spectator’s 2023 Winemaker of the Year … you can find and try a selection of his wines right here on Wine Empire.