Triple Sec, Joseph Cartron (700 ml)



Ovaj Triple Sec je napravljen od eteričnih ulja Para narandže (iz Brazila i Floride) i Bigarade narandže (gorke narandže sa Obale Slonovače i Sicilije). U preradi ovih ulja zadržava se samo površina kore, a gorka bijela kora se pedantno odbacuje.

Kombinacija ove dvije vrste, kao i tradicionalni karakter Cartronovog recepta, osigurala je ekstremnu koncentraciju alkohola narandže i rijedak intenzitet.

Nos je svjež i prozračan sa određenom elegancijom i finoćom, diskretan, ali sa jasnom percepcijom narandžine kore. Tekstura u ustima je okrugla i masna, sa dobrim balansom između slatkoće, narandžine kore i snage. Pored upotrebe u mnogim koktelima, ovaj triple sec daje gurmanski šmek kuvanju i desertima.


Cartron’s Triple Sec is made from the essential oils of the Para orange (sourced from Brazil and Florida) and the Bigarade orange (a bitter orange from the Ivory Coast and Sicily).  Only the core of the peel is kept in the processing of these oils, the bitter white skins are meticulously discarded.

The blending of these two varieties, as well as the traditional character of Cartron’s recipe, ensured an extreme concentration if spirit of orange, and a rare intensity. 

The nose is fresh and airy with a certain elegance and finesse, discreet but with the clear perception of orange peel.  The texture in the mouth is round and oily, with a good balance between sweetness, orange peel and power.  In addition to its use in many cocktails, this adds a gourmet touch to cooking and desserts.