Apricot Brandy, Joseph Cartron (700 ml)



Kajsije sa Mont du Lyonnais (blizu Lyona) beru se veoma zrele nakon što postanu prekrasne narandžasto-crvene boje i sa visokim sadržajem šećera. Nude spektakularnu aromatičnu snagu, ali i laganu i suptilnu notu badema.

Kajsije se maceriraju u alkohol oko 7 do 8 sedmica, a zatim se kombinuju sa malo konjaka da dodaju bogatstvo, dodatnu strukturu i delikatan drveni ukus. Voće se savršeno spaja sa konjakom, što rezultira dobrim balansom i bez konačne težine.

Ukusan direktno na ledu, ali i neophodan za pravljenje brojnih koktela. Takođe dodaje gurmanski šarm kuvanju i desertima. Čuvati dalje od svjetlosti i toplote.


The apricots from the Mont du Lyonnais (near Lyon) are harvested very ripe once they have turned a beautiful orangey-red colour and the sugar content is high.   They offer spectacular aromatic power but also the light and subtle hint of almond. 

The apricots are macerated in spirit for around 7 to 8 weeks, and is then combined with some Cognac to add richness, additional structure and a delicate woody flavour.  The fruit marries perfectly with the Cognac, resulting in good balance and no final heaviness. 

Delicious straight on ice, but also essential in the making of numerous cocktails.  It also adds a gourmet touch to cooking and desserts. Store away from light and heat.