Amaretto, Joseph Cartron (700 ml)



Ime Amaretto je italijanskog porijekla od riječi “amaro”. ( “Gorko” na italijanskom ). Ovaj tradicionalni liker, odličan za koktele, dižestive ili u desertima, ima pohlepnu gorčinu zelenih badema, kao i njihov poseban i ukusan ukus.

Različite komponente ovog plemenitog (i tajnog) recepta daju svu njegovu svježinu i posebnu mekoću ovom Amarettu Josepha Cartona.

Čuvati dalje od svjetlosti i toplote.


Of Italian origin, the name Amaretto comes from the word “amaro”: bitter in Italian.  This traditional liqueur, excellent for cocktails, digestifs or in desserts, has the greedy bitterness of green almonds as well as their particular and delicious taste. 

The different components of this noble (and secret) recipe bestow all its freshness and particular mellowness to Joseph Carton’s Amaretto.

Store away from light and heat.