Nonino Grappa Il Merlot (700 mL)




Osvajač prvog mjesta i dobitnik predsjedavajućeg trofeja na International Spirits Challenge u New Yorku, ova grapa od Nonina napravljena je od odabrane komine Merlota. 100% destovana zanatskim metodama, bez dodate boje ili aditiva. Kristalna, mekana i zaokružena sa mirisom latica ruže i koštica trešnje. Treba je poslužiti na oko 12 ° C u ohlađenoj čaši u obliku tulipana. Prije probanja, grapa treba odstojati u čaši nekoliko minuta jer primajući kiseonik, mirisi se uzdižu i harmonija nosa i nepca je kompletna.


Best Distillery in the World - Wine Enthusiast 2019

First place winner and recipient of the Chairman’s Trophy at the International Spirits Challenge in New York, this grappa from Nonino is made from selected and de-stalked Merlot pomace.   100% distilled using artisanal methods, with no artificial colour or additives.  Crystalline, soft and round with a scent of rose petals and cherry stones.  It should be served at about 12°C in a chilled open tulip shaped glass. Before tasting, Grappa should rest in the glass for some minutes: taking oxygen, the fragrances are exalted and the nose-palate harmony is completed.