Citadelle Reserve (700 mL)



Žestoka pića koja su odležala u buretu sigurno nisu ništa novo. A to važi i za džin. Istorijski gledano, džin se prevozio u drvenim bačvama - staklo je bilo previše krhko, plastika i čelik još nisu bili dostupni - i tako je džin sticajem okolnosti odležavao u drvetu.

Međutim, kada je Citadelle Réserve promovisan 2008. godine, u čast proslave „Zlatni džinovi“ iz prošlosti, to je bio prvi put u gotovo jednom vijeku da je svijet vidio džin koji je odležao u drvetu.

Ono što je započelo kao porodični eksperiment 2008. godine i podijeljeno sa nekolicinom znatiželjnih barmena i prijatelja sada je procvjetalo u džin za kojim je danas velika potražnja od strane barmena i drugih potrošača, zbog različitog profila ukusa.

Ovaj džin dodaje još 3 nove vrste biljaka - juzu, genepi, različak - a zatim odležava pet mjeseci u pet različitih vrsti drvenih bačvi od - bagrema, duda, trešnje, kestena i francuskog hrasta.

Boja: blijedo zlatna

Nos: Biljne note sušenih začina, ali i ljuske kokosa, duvana i cvijet narandže. Drugi nos donosi note bobica kleke i zelenog čaja.

Usta: Početna nota je svilenkasta, obilna, pomalo začinjena i paprena, sa primjesama sušenog duvana, zatim dodatne note limunove kore, đumbira i badema. Trajna završnica.

Danas je Citadelle Réserve postao mjerilo za odležale džinove i dobio je priznanja iz cijelog svijeta, uključujući visoke počasti u San Francisco Spirits Competition, World Spirits Award, Gin Masters i mnogim drugim.


Spirits that are barrel-aged are certainly nothing new. And that goes for gin too. Historically, gin was transported in wooden barrels - glass was too fragile, plastic and steel were not yet available - and so gin became wood aged.

However, when Citadelle Reserve was launched in 2008, in celebration of the “golden gins” of yesteryear, it was the first time in almost a century that the worldhad seen a wood-aged gin.

What began as a family experiment in 2008 and shared with a few inquisitive bartenders and friends has now blossomed into a gin that is very much sought out today by bartenders and consumers for its different taste profile.

This gin adds 3 new botanicals – yuzu, genepi, bleuet– and then rests in five different types of woods barrels – Acacia, Mulberry, Cherry, Chestnut and French Oak – for five months.

Colour: Pale gold

Nose: Herbaceous notes of dried spices, but also coconut shell, tobacco and orange flower. The second nose brings out notes of juniper berry and green tea.

Mouth: The first note is silky, abundant, a bit spicy/peppery, with hints of dried tobacco. Midtasting, additional notes of lemon zest, ginger and almond. A lasting finish.

Today, Citadelle Réserve has become the benchmark for aged gins and has received accolades from all over the world including top honours at the San Francisco Spirits Competition, World Spirits Award, Gin Masters and more.