Citadelle Original (700 mL)



19 aroma koje čine Citadelle ubrizgavaju se u zavisnosti od njihovog profila, između jednog i četiri dana - optimalno vrijeme da Citadelle stekne svoj istaknuti profil. Sledeći korak je destilacija u malim bakarnim posudama iznad otvorenog plamena kako bi se razvila njegova suptilnost i slast u ustima.

Citadelle džin odiše nježnim aromama svježeg cvijeća, istaknuti su i citrusni
mirisi. Kada se posluži, emituje intenzivnije note kleke i anisa koje prati cimet koji omekšava arome I donosi gurmansku dimenziju džinu. Na nepcu, kleka daje dugi, raskošni, začinski miris. Lijepo uravnotežen, elegantan, mekan i trajan u ustima, sa procentom alkohola od 44%. Savršena ravnoteža između intenziteta i finoće.

Citadelle je osvojio više od 60 medalja, među kojima i “Spirit of the Year” na Svjetskom takmičenju žestokih pića, kao i “World’s Best Gin” i “Gin Grand Master” u Londonu. Ni dizajn boce nije ostao nezapažen: nagrađen je zlatnom medaljom na “The Spirits Design Masters”.


The 19 aromatics that make up Citadelle are infused, according to their profile, between one and four days – a crucial time so that Citadelle can acquire itsdistinguished profile. It is then distilled in small copper stills over open flames in order to develop its suppleness and voluptuous character in the mouth.

Citadelle Gin exudes delicate aromas of fresh flowers highlighted by more assertive citric scents. Once served, it emanates more intense, herbaceous notes of juniper and anise; then, the spicy cinnamon side softens the nose, bringing a very gourmand dimension to the gin. On the palate, the juniper cedes to a long, voluptuous, spicy fragrance. Beautifully balanced, it is elegant, soft and and long in the mouth, with an alcohol content of 44%. A perfect equilibrium between intensity and finesse.

Citadelle has won more than 60 medals, among them “Spirit of the Year” at the World Spirit Awards as well as “World’s Best Gin” and “Gin Grand Master” inLondon. Its bottle hasn’t escaped attention either: it was awarded a gold medal at the Spirits Design Masters.