Teran, Kozlović 2022 (750 ml)
Grožđe za ovo divno flaširanje dolazi od porodične loze Teran stare 30 godina koje se pažljivo beru ručno. Nakon 10-dnevne maceracije i fermentacije, mlada vina se prebacuju u hrastove bačve na 8 mjeseci kako bi se dobila dodatna složenost.
Rezultat je ukusno vino srednjeg tijela koje odiše aromama tamnog šumskog voća i notama gorke čokolade. Nježni tanini i osvježavajuća kiselost čine ga idealnim za uparivanje sa raznolikim jelima poput pizze Margherita prelivene Buffalo mocarelom, izdašnim mesnim platama ili čak ribljim jelima.
The grapes for this lovely bottling come from the family’s 30 year old Teran vines which are carefully harvested by hand. After a 10 day maceration and fermentation, the young wines are transferred to oak barrels for 8 months to add further complexity.
The result is a delicious medium-bodied wine which exudes dark forest fruit aromas and hints of bitter chocolate. Gentle tannins and a refreshing acidity make this ideal to pair with dishes as diverse as a margherita pizza topped with buffalo mozzarella, a generous plate of charcuterie or even fish dishes.