Plavac Mali "Black" Saints Hills 2018


Intenzivne rubin crvene boje s purpurnim nijansama. Black vrlo dobro predstavlja sortu Plavac mali. U nosu se može naći mnogo aroma trešnje i šljive, a i malo mediteranskih začina kao što su timijan i origano. Na nepcima je voćasto crveno vino punog tijela, s notama pumskog voća i prijatnim zaostalim ukusom vanile. Dobro se uparuje s raznim mesnim jelima, al i s nekim tradicionalnim jelima od grilovane plave ribe. Ima vrlo dugotrajnu i pikantnu završnicu.

Intensive ruby red with purple nuances. Black is a very good representation of the Plavac mali variety. On the nose, you can find a lot of cherry and plum aromas, as well as some Mediterranean spice such as thyme and oregano. On the palate, it is a full-bodied fruity red, with notes of forrest-fruit and a nice vanilla aftertaste. It is well paired with various meat dishes, but also some traditional blue fish grilled dishes. It has a very long-lasting spicy finish.