Barbaresco "Martinenga" Marchesi di Gresy 2018 (750 ml)
93 bud. - Wine Spectator
Vina Marchesi di Gresy su neka od najljepših koje ćete doživjeti. Nebbiolo iz njihovog čuvenog vinograda Martinenga (porodični monopol) proizvodi vina nevjerovatne boje, parfema, intenziteta i elegancije. Porodica di Gresy je vjekovima bila u Barbaresku, a 1797. godine dobili su Martinengu, mjesto prvog rimskog naselja na tom području, tada poznatog kao Villa Martis. Ipak, porodica je tek 1970-ih počela vinifikovati ovu čuvenu imovinu za sebe.
Ova Martinenga iz 2018. već je prilično impresivna, bez obzira na relativno nedavno punjenje. Nudi primamljiv nos voća maline sa notama mljevenog crnog bibera, marokanske kože i kutije za cigare. Maline, brusnice i trešnje na nepcu sa dobrom kiselošću i finim, hrskavim taninima. Iako može stariti deceniju ili dvije, sada će mu biti teško odoljeti. Pokazuje čistoću, kao i velikodušnost, bez žrtvovanja elegancije.
93 points - Wine Spectator
The wines of the Marchesi di Gresy are some of the most beautiful you will experience. The Nebbiolo from their famed Martinenga vineyard (a family monopole) produces wines of incredible colour, perfume, intensity and elegance. The di Gresy family have been in Barbaresco for centuries, and in 1797 they were gifted Martinenga, the site of the first Roman settlement in the area, known then as Villa Martis. Yet the family only started to vinify this famous property, for themselves, in the 1970s.
This 2018 Martinenga is already quite impressive, it’s relatively recent bottling notwithstanding. It offers an alluring nose of raspberry fruit with notes of crushed black pepper, Moroccan leather and cigar box. Raspberry, cranberry and cherry fruit on the palate with a good acidity and fine, crunchy tannins. While it can age for a decade or two, it will be hard to resist now. It shows purity, as well as generosity, without sacrificing elegance.