Dogma "New Pils on the Block" German Pilsner (24 x 330mL Limenka / Can)


Od Beograd, Srbija:  U svijetu modernog kraft pivarstva svi pominju povratak korjenima. “Vratite se na osnove, vratite se na osnove” - šapuće se u pivarskim kuloarima. Dogma nije ostala imuna.Ovo je njihov prvi tradicionalni lager… ali sa zaokretom! Čist i svjež miris, plemenita floralna hmeljna aroma stvorena pažljivim kombinovanjem američkog i njemačkog hmelja i na kraju, umerena slatkost dobijena upotrebom njemačkih sladova. Novi pils stiže u vaš kraj!

From Belgrade, Serbia:  In the world of modern craft brewing, everyone is talking about going back to the roots. "Back to basics, back to basics" – are the whispers one often hears in the beer hall. So OK, this is Dogma’s first traditional lager… but with a twist.  Clean and fresh, with noble floral hop aromas created by carefully combining American and German hops and, finally, a moderate sweetness obtained by using German malts. A new pils is coming to your block!