Bura Tornado IPA / Istrian Pale Ale (24 x 330 mL)
Od Istra, Hrvatska: Pivo gornjega vrenja u IPA stilu. Istarska obrada (Istrian Pale Ale) piva Indian Pale Ale (britanski stil) proizvedenoga od ječmena slada, s malim udjelom pšenice, mješavinom američkih hmelja koji daruju intenzivan i zanimljiv miris čemu pridonosi znatna količina hmelja dodana metodom dry hoppinghmeljenja. Jantarne boje s obilnom, kremastom i postojanom pjenom, miris hmelja podsjeća na egzotično voće, agrume i cvijeće, dok se u ustima nastavlja nota koja proizlazi iz hmelja koju podupire srednje tijelo. Zatvara se blagom gorčinom koja podsjeća na koru grejpa. Ovo IPA pivo nije fokusirano samo na hmelj (East Kent Golding, Chinook i Amarillo) već i na ječmeni slad (3 različite vrste osebujnoga ječma). Rezultat je TORNADO okus.
Nefiltracija i refermentacija u boci mogu prouzrokovati prirodni talog kvasca na dnu boce koji jamči za istinski i profinjeni okus.
From Istria, Hrvatska: A top-fermented IPA-style beer. This Istrian Pale Ale is a reinterpretation of the (British style) Indian Pale Ale brewed with barley malt, a small amount of wheat malt, yeast and a mix of English and American hops, all of which evoke an intense aroma thanks to the additional hops added in dry hopping. Amber in colour with abundant as well as creamy and persistent foam, the hoppy flavours vary from exotic fruit to citrus and floral elements accompanied by a medium body. It resolves in a pleasant bitterness which recalls the flavours of grapefruit. This IPA doesn’t focus only on the hops (East Kent Golding, Chinook and Amarillo) but also on the 4 different types of malt. The result is a TORNADO of flavour.
Unfiltered and bottle-conditioned it comes with a natural yeast sediment.