Calvados "Selection" Christian Drouin


93 boda – Ultimate Spirits Challenge

Dvostruko zlato i najbolji u klasi – ADI Craft Spirits Competition.

 Dugi niz godina Christian Drouin se pitao kako proizvesti mladi Calvados koji bi bio dobro izbalansiran na nepcu, a istovremeno da nudi intenzivan voćni buke. Evo boce koja ovu harmoniju postiže kombinacijom oštre svježine krušaka sa glatkoćom jabukovača iz regije Domfront u Normandiji.

"Selection“ se odnosi na najbolji dio destilata koji se potom izdvaja za sazrijevanje u bačvama od šeri hrasta, stvarajući meko, bogato, suvo i opuštajuće piće. Lijepo je da se pije samo, ali se odlično slaže i sa jednostavnom večerom ili užinom poput kuvane šunke, sira i oraha.


93 points – Ultimate Spirits Challenge

Double Gold and Best in Class – ADI Craft Spirits Competition.

For many years Christian Drouin wondered how to produce a young Calvados that would be well balanced on the palate while offering an intense fruity bouquet.  Here is a bottle that achieves this harmony by combining the sharp freshness of pears with the smoothness of cider apples from the Domfront region of Normandy. 

The "Selection" refers to the best part of the distillate which is then singled out for maturation in sherry oak casks, creating a mellow, rich, dry and relaxing drink.  It’s lovely just to sip, but also pairs very well with a simple dinner or snack like cooked ham, cheese, and walnuts.