Volnay 1er Cru “Les Caillerets” Bouchard Père & Fils 2018


93 boda – The Wine Advocate

Na boci ćete zapaziti riječi “Ancienne Cuvée Carnot” koje označavaju prvobitnog vlasnika ovog vinograda od 3,7 hektara – porodicu Carnot – koja je 1775. godine prodala parcelu Bouchardu. Ovo je klasični Volnay, izražajne arome zrele crvene trešnje, uz note svježe ljubičice i začina. Tekstura na nepcu je svilenkasta i suptilna, i ima čvrstinu.


93 points – The Wine Advocate

On the bottle you will note the words “Ancienne Cuvée Carnot” which denotes the original owner of this 3,7 hectare vineyard – The Carnot family – who sold the plot to Bouchard in 1775.  This is a classic Volnay, with an expressive aroma of ripe red cherry fruit, along with notes of fresh violets and spice. The texture on the palate is silky and subtle, but not lacking in substance.