Etna Rosso, Planeta 2021 (750 ml)
Ova vrlo moderna Etna Rosso napravljena od 100% Nerello Mascalese proizvodi se u vinariji Feudo di Mezzo, koja leži u središtu vinogradarskog područja Etne. Vulkansko tlo Etne potiče od sporog razlaganja stijena lave, obilnog prisustva pepela koji se izbacuje iz kratera i organskih supstanci. Bogato je kamenjem i mineralima.
Vanila, višnja, šumska jagoda i veoma čist cvjetni efekat. U ustima je obilno, ali glatko. Veoma ekspresivno voće sa složenijim aromatičnim elementima podrasta, mirte i orijentalnih začina... sve to u kombinaciji stvara ukusno crveno vino sa izraženim slankastim aromama i degustacionim profilom dobijenim od blagih nota gvožđa, rabarbare i vrlo uočljivog crnog bibera. Vino za svakodnevno piće. Njegova prilagodljivost omogućava da prati jela kao npr. jednostavnu tjesteninu uz paradajz sos, ali i složenija jela od mesa i ribe.
This very trendy Etna Rosso made from 100% Nerello Mascalese is produced in the Feudo di Mezzo winery, lying in the center of Etna’s wine growing area. The volcanic soils of Etna originate from the slow breaking down of the lava rock, from the abundant presence of ashes emitted from the crater and from organic substances. They are rich in stones and minerals.
Vanilla, sour cherry, wild strawberry, a very clean floral effect. In the mouth it is substantial but smooth. Very expressive fruit with more complex aromatic elements of undergrowth, myrtle and oriental spices... all of which combine to create a delicious red wine with marked savoury flavour and a tasting profile produced by a ferrous touch, rhubarb and very evident black pepper. A wine for everyday drinking. Its adaptability allows it to accompany a simple pasta with tomato dish as well as more complex dishes of meat and fish.