Etna Bianco, Planeta 2021 (750 ml)


Ova vrlo moderna Etna Bianco napravljena od sorte Carricante proizvodi se u vinariji Feudo di Mezzo, koja leži u središtu vinogradarskog područja Etne. Vulkansko tlo Etne potiče od sporog razlaganja stijena lave, od obilnog prisustva pepela koji se izbacuje iz kratera i organskih supstanci. Bogato je kamenjem i mineralima.

Grožđe Carricante iz Etne rezultat je kombinacije crnog pijeska i nadmorske visine, koji pružaju izrazite arome i trodimenzionalne ukuse. U ovoj berbi nalaze se note cvijeća bijelog bagrema, svježih badema i planinskih breskvi. Na nepcu je sočno i puno nota žute šljive i indijske smokve.  Ovo vino savršeno se slaže sa sirovom ribom i svježim voćem, uz riblja predjela i meke sireve. Takođe je rafiniran aperitiv.


This very trendy Etna Bianco (featured in White Lotus Season 2!) made from Carricante is produced in the Feudo di Mezzo winery, lying in the center of Etna’s wine growing area.  The volcanic soils of Etna originate from the slow breaking down of the lava rock, from the abundant presence of ashes emitted from the crater and from organic substances. They are rich in stones and minerals.

The Carricante grapes from Etna are the result of the combination of black sand and altitude, which provide distinct aromas and three dimensional flavours. In this vintage, there are notes of white acacia flowers, fresh almonds and mountain peaches. On the palate it is juicy and full of hints of yellow plums and prickly pear.
This wine pairs perfectly with raw fish and fresh fruit, with fish appetizers and soft cheeses. It is also a refined aperitif.