Bollinger PN "TX17" (750 ml)


93 bod. - Wine Spectator

PN, napravljen u potpunosti od Pinot Noira kako bi predstavio samu suštinu kućnog stila, prvi je novi cuvée dodat Bollingerovoj stalnoj ponudi od Roséa 2008. godine.

"TX" u nazivu ukazuje na to da groždje uglavnom potiče iz Tauxièresa. Pinot Noir iz Tauxièresa donosi svježinu, eleganciju kao i preciznost i kompleksnost. Dok je šampanjac non-vintage, "17" u nazivu ukazuje da je oko 50% groždja iz berbe 2017.

U podrumu odležao dva puta duže od vremena potrebnog po pravilima apelacije. Dodatak od oko 20% reserve vina doprinosi izuzetnom aromatičnom intenzitetu vina, posebno Pinot Noira odležalog u magnumima skoro 10 godina. Rezultat je vrlo voćna, živa struktura s notama kuvane kajsije, breskve i egzotičnog voća, praćena aromama bagremovog meda, svježeg oraha i začina. Prekrasna slanost nadopunjuje kiselost vina. Završava se crvenim voćem, crème de cassis i iznenađujućim notama korice citrusa.


93 points - Wine Spectator

PN, made entirely from Pinot Noir to underscore the very essence of the House style, is the first new cuvée added to Bollinger’s permanent range since Rosé in 2008.

The ”TX” in the name indicates that the fruit is predominantly sourced from Tauxières. Pinot Noir from Tauxières brings freshness, elegance as well as precision and complexity.  While the Champagne is non-vintage, the “17” in the name indicates that about 50% of the fruit was sourced from the 2017 vintage.

Cellar aged for more than twice the time required by the appellation. The addition of about 20% reserve wines add to the wine’s exceptional aromatic intensity, especially the Pinots Noirs aged in magnums for almost 10 years.  The result is avery fruity, lively facet with notes of cooked apricot, peach and exotic fruit, followed by flavours of acacia honey, fresh walnut and spices. A wonderful salinity complements the acidity of the wine. It finishes on red fruit, crème de cassis and surprising notes of citrus zest.