The Pale Rosé by Sacha Lichine 2023


“The Pale” dolazi od onih koji prave i fenomenalno uspješan Whispering Angel,  mes - novo i lako pristupačno vino sa stilom, od grožđa odabranog iz najboljih vinograda u apelaciji Pays du Var u Provence, svijetlo roze boje i odlične aromatične svježine. Izražajne mirise slijede suptilnije voćne note na nepcima, a svježina je udružena sa izuzetnom dužinom trajanja i zaokruženošću. Nudi cjelokupan stil vina  Whispering Angel po pristupačnijoj cijeni.

From the makers of the phenomenally successful Whispering Angel comes “The Pale” - a chic and effortlessly approachable new wine made from grapes which are selected from the best vineyards in the appellation Pays du Var in Provence.  Pale pink with great aromatic freshness.  The expressive nose is followed by more subtle, fruity notes on the palate. The freshness is coupled with exceptional length and roundness.   The wine offers all the style of Whispering Angel at a more approachable price-point.